calendar conversion lunar. Chinese calendar, a lunisolar calendar, is formed on the movement of the moon and the sun. Input any gregorian date and instantly get its corresponding.
calendar conversion lunar The long or short months are decided by calculation. It is also called the lunar calendar, yin calendar, xia calendar or the old chinese calendar. This chinese lunar calendar conversion tool can convert the gregorian calendar to the chinese lunar calendar.
Enter The Western Date You Want To Convert To Its Chinese Lunar Equivalent.
Convert chinese calendar to english calendar. This is done by adding 24 solar terms to the calendar and by using 7 leap years in 19 lunar years (i.e. It is also called the lunar calendar, yin calendar, xia calendar or the old chinese calendar.
This Chinese Lunar Calendar Conversion Tool Can Convert The Gregorian Calendar To The Chinese Lunar Calendar.
The long or short months are decided by calculation. For an explanation on the difference. Chinese calendar, a lunisolar calendar, is formed on the movement of the moon and the sun.
Input Any Gregorian Date And Instantly Get Its Corresponding.
Please use mouse to choose a year (1901 to 2100), the conversion table. Find corresponding chinese dates by entering western (gregorian) dates.